But I've seen some cool things lately! I volunteered at
B's blog for this meme, which was very interesting to actually do!
Comment to this message and I will assign you a letter of the alphabet. Then go to your journal and post a list of 10 words that begin with this letter and what they mean to you.
I was assigned the letter C, so here goes:
1. Canadian. It's a big part of who I am, and living in the US for 7 years hasn't changed that.
2. Chocolate. It's also a big part of who I am. And not in a good way. ;P
3. Charity. Something I'm making a more conscious effort to exemplify.
4. Crafty. If I didn't have to work, I'd happily spend all my time doing many, many, many crafts.
5. Chelsea Buns. My first real dog. With a wonderful heart and a huge back. We used to ride her! And hooked her up to the sled to pull for us!
6. Choices. Something I've made many of. Several of which I never would have dreamed of.
7. Chinese food. One of my favourites to eat out. Unfortunately, I'm not very adventurous with it. And I miss egg rolls as we had them in Canada. They're just not the same here and I can't seem to find the wraps to make my own! (Not that they ever turned out as good since I
won't deep fry them at home...)
8. Computer geek. I grew up with them long before it was common (thanks mom!) and have always enjoyed tinkering with them. Now that I've switched over to the dark side though, there is much less tinkering required. I love that I can just turn it on, add whatever new stuff I want and have it work! Macs rule!
9. Compulsive spender. I'm working on getting a handle on this, but it is still something I have to pay attention to.
10. Change. The one constant in my life.
And, for something stitchy...

WANT to stitch this!!! The pattern is from
Heaven and Earth Designs, and the artist is
Jonathon Earl Bowser. Wow! Oh wow!
Yipes! I'm rather afraid what the chart would look like, but I
want to do this!