Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Two more happy dances!

I just can't post photos as my camera is (finally) in the shop. It's had an intermittant problem for almost 2 years now and yesterday I actually managed to take it into the store and *show* them when it was flaking out. Unfortunately, I'll now have to wait 6-8 weeks to get it back. I LOATHE it when they change the terms of a warranty. When I bought it (3 years ago) the policy was to have it fixed or replaced in a week. If I could find the originals I could fight it, but that was 3 years ago and I'm not sure where to start looking for them. But, on to happy news:

I finished Butterfly Song tonight!
And finally did the backstitching on the Christmas piece for Bob and Sue last Wednesday!

That makes 3 finishes in less than a week! Wohoo! If I got off my butt and graphed out the names I could finish the birth announcements this week. Instead, I'm going to pull one over on Brian (I hope). Every SnB when he heads out to the Y to work out, I'm going to pull out his stocking and hopefully finish it in time for Christmas. Wish me luck!

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