Wednesday, April 05, 2006

News news news...

I have lots of news going on right now and very little time to update this blog. Posting will be much less frequent than I've been lately. I'll be putting in close to an 80 hour week this week (I'm on "sanity break" right now) and it includes driving to our lab 50 miles (80km) away from home. Oh joy! Nothing out of the ordinary, just work that got backlogged while awaiting equipment repair. I have to find time to add two new blogs to my sidebar. James (my BIL) and Bonnie (my sister) have both started keeping blogs. I hope BJ has fun and uploads lots of photos! We're back to being in immigration limbo. Any progress we thought we had made was purely a mistaken assumption on the part of my HR representative. Who just doesn't *get* that this is serious business for us. We haven't had any true delays etc. and are right where we thought we were. Waiting. I've seen photos of our new nephew William, but haven't heard from mom or dad yet that it's okay to post them. I suspect they're a little busy right now getting accustomed to this massive change in their lives. He's happy and healthy, and that's what matters. I've added a "weight loss ticker" to the top of the blog and hope it will help encourage me to get over this plateau. So long as I keep moving and eating less, I know it'll budge eventually! I've crossed the 150 mile mark so far for the year, and am adding in more rowing. I still loathe spending the time going to the Y and working out, but I love the results.
Gotta run!
Heather the insane...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather!

Please let Bonnie know that I checked out her blog and thought it was great. I tried to leave a comment but wasn't allowed since I'm not a member of Madison is really adorable. She looks like her mom. It seems so surreal to me thatwe have all this grown up stuff going on in our lives...children, careers, immigration challenges. It is hard to believe that it has been 10 years since high school. I for one don't feel any older.