Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Bzzz Bzzzz

So, as you can tell, we're as busy as ever. Hosting was fun Friday and Saturday nights, Monday night Jess came over, Tuesday David came over, Wednesday (tonight) is Stitch'n'Bitch, Thursday is the official "David's last night out" dinner and Friday night is date night. ... Ummm... I'm *not* seeing a lot of time for me to go work out there! I've gotten a little slack lately, and my lack of progress on the weight loss is showing it. I'm not eating as well as I should either. Why do I have no willpower right now? Things should calm down next week, but then will be ramping back up again for the holiday weekend. We're currently planning on coming home, arriving on June 30th, leaving July 3rd. BUT... I may have to cancel that due to some work stuff. Ugh! Sooo, we may not be going home after all, and there's nothing like trying to plan a last minute cross-border trip with no idea if it's actually going to happen! If it's the case that we don't go home, we plan on maybe taking a couple of days off to go to Conneticut before the convention the following weekend. I think I'm going to need a vacation from my vacation!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

"I think I'm going to need a vacation from my vacation!"

I know just what you mean.

Frustrating isn't it?! It drives me absolutely crazy!!!