From a British Columbia (Canada) science museum's upcomig ad campaign. I love it!

This is a neat shot I took of my frog waterbath, filled with ice pellets. We had a storm come through Thursday-Friday last week and built up quite an accumulation. The top of that frog's head is normally more than 6 inches from the bottom of the waterbath!

My parents, who were "in the area" last weekend. They live 600 miles from here, but were going to be "only" 75 miles away on Saturday so we had to go visit! It was a good visit, and we had no traffic problems for once!

Me with Mom and Neil

And finally a photo including my hubby, Brian!
I LOVE the haircut!
It looks F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C ! Makes me wanna go get mine cut. It's far too long, but not *that* drastic.
You guys look great - thanks for the update!
Thanks Jan, you know how to butter me up!
Your man is hot girl. HOT I say.
Good job. LOL
{best Elvis impression}
Thank you, thank you very much
{/best Elvis impression}
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