And since I have a new camera, I've been playing around with it of late. This is called "So Hungry!" ...

Playing with macro focussing...

And depth of field...

I had to include a photo of Brian!

And what photo roundup would be complete without photos of Percy?

And cheating to create a vignette look with a macro lens. Really, just playing around!

Finally, my mini-happy dance! I finished the middle section of TW's Fantasy Triptych this morning. Now I'm trying to distract myself from it so I put it away and work on more of my obligation stitching. I still owe for two babies (with number three coming any day now) and a wedding...

Beautiful stitching Heather! Looks like you're having fun with the new camera :)
Man, that cross stitch looks fantastic!
Given your copious free time, any ideas when you're going to be able to finish the final part of the triptych?
Sorry Randi, I've no plans to finish it soon :( . I've had to put it away so I'm good and work on my 'obligation' stitching for all the new babies, and one wedding. I was sorely tempted on Sunday to start up on the last panel though... Sorely tempted!
Photos look great, and Triptych looks really good!
What're the red & gold balls? Cat toys?
Nailed it in one Allura! They're Percy's sparkly pompoms. I just thought they might have a neat texture, and they sure did!
Wow, I'm amazed at how much you've accomplished on FT. It almost makes me want to go and pull out Oriental Poppies and work on the BS.
Of course, I just found out I've got another Baby Sampler to do, which fills me with horror, but what can you do?
Great photos.. what kind of camera are you using
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