The following photos are all out of order in the random-Blogger-upload fashion, but I'll put what they are beneath each one.

Becky and I in Fort Tyron Park outside the Cloisters (a beautiful Medieval museum in the Bronx)

Lemon Lips! (AKA Jen playing pool)

Johnny as we were all out at Applebys while Becky was here.

Brian where he belongs.

There were a lot of beautiful flowers in the gardens at the Cloisters so I played with my macro setting on the new camera.

More flowers (I'd love to know what they are if anyone reading can identify them).

Inside a courtyard at the Cloisters.

Naughty Monkey!

Brian relax and happy. Nice to see that!

The nave (?) at the Cloisters.

We had gorgeous weather the day we went up to the Cloisters. Shhh... don't tell Becky's mom, but we even took the subway! :)

Brian, Becky and Heather!

A typical photo of Becky.

The entrance to the Cloisters

Absolutely gorgeous weather.

Brian managed this incredible photograph of the lightning during a storm recently.

The Killer Bunny shown at Spamalot during intermission. We went for our wedding anniversary and had a blast.

Brian and Madison from our trip home (and my dad hiding in the back).

When we get a storm, it REALLY rains!

Presenting the Firehouse Angel. This was an internet RoundRobin project of a design done to commemorate the events of 9/11. It was stitched by over 20 stitchers in (at least) 3 countries, each working on a section at a time. I worked on the purple of the skirt when I had her. Since I live so close, I got to be the one to go in and present her to the FDNY. It was done at a firehouse in Harlem (I took Brian to Harlem!) and we were given two incredible honours by the firefighters. Firstly, we were treated to lunch at the firehouse (which is something few outsiders are invited to do), and secondly, they put the firehouse on diversion while we were there. This means that another firehouse had to cover all their calls as well as their own. I couldn't believe they would do that for us. I was astounded by the honour of it.
Well... did it choke yet????
Wow, I had seen bits & pieces of the angel thread on RCTN, but hadn't realized you were going to be delivering it.
Oh, and aren't the Cloisters pretty? I haven't been up there in ages. Do you know they hold a renn faire there in September. I THINK it's the weeked of the 23rd, but I'm not sure. It's usually the weekend after NYRF closes (half the vendors show up for it).
Heather, the picture of the cloister with the little girl in the middle is amazing!!
I am so glad you posted your blog for us to read. It's really great and I think we are a lot alike! I'll have to pick your brain some more on the boards. :D
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